Integrated models to simulate sustainable sugarcane production systems
Integrated models to simulate sustainable sugarcane production systems

Photo: FURUKAWA, Neide Makiko
Under the strong impact of the demand for energy and the need to develop alternative technologies to replace oil, the sugarcane industry is expanding and boosting interest in the assessment of both private and social costs and benefits in sugar and energy production. The importance of environmental issues in society has inserted this topic in the agenda of public and private planners through their concern with the preservation of water resources, soil fertility, and biodiversity, as well as with climate change. Within this context, this project aims to integrate simulation and optimization models of sugarcane agricultural production systems – from an economic, agricultural and environmental point of view – which are also compatible with other segments of the sugar and energy production chain. The Northeast, Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil were defined as study areas given their current or potential importance for national sugarcane production. The project’s focus is to simulate typical production systems and build scenarios to predict changes in technology and public policy based on simulations of production variables (biomass, sugar and fibers) and water consumption. The project’s findings will be useful to carry out strategic analyses of breeding programs, phytosanitary control, and for optimal application of water resources and fertilizers, with direct implications on short- and medium-term productivity gains. The assessment of production systems also contributes to planning the occupation of new areas, one of the key issues in sustainable land use.
Ecosystem: Coastal Areas, Semi-mixed and seasonal forests, Cerrados Region
Status: Completed Start date: Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 Conclusion date: Thu Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015
Head Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture
Project leader: Ariovaldo Luchiari Junior