Consolidation and expansion of the program for the development of forage cultivars for Southern Brazil
Consolidation and expansion of the program for the development of forage cultivars for Southern Brazil

Photo: MAGNANTE, Luiz Henrique
One of the largest livestock problems in Southern Brazil has been the scantiness of varieties of forage species more adapted to this region. In addition, due to global warming and the demand for increased productivity with reduced use of inputs, there is a need of studies on germplasm tolerance to abiotic stresses such as drought, and the evaluation of symbiotic organisms to promote biological nitrogen fixation in grasses. Thus, this project aimed to develop improved populations of some of the most important forage species adapted to different environmental conditions and production systems of Southern Brazil. This effort was a continuation of previous projects related to the development of forage cultivars with high yield potential for the cold season in Southern Brazil. This work was carried out in partnership with seven Embrapa research centers (Embrapa Dairy Cattle, Embrapa Temperate Agriculture, Embrapa Cattle-Southeast, Embrapa South Animal Husbandry and Sheep, Embrapa Products and Market, Embrapa Wheat and Embrapa Beef Cattle) and six universities (UFGD – Federal University of Grande Dourados, UFPEL – Federal University of Pelotas, UFLA – Federal University of Lavras, UEM – State University of Maringá, UFRGS – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and USP-ESALQ - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture).
Ecosystem: Extreme South, Atlantic Forest, Pinheirais Region
Status: Completed Start date: Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 Conclusion date: Thu Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015
Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Project leader: Andrea Mittelmann