Biothematic Evaluation and Quantitative Analysis of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Risks in the Scope of the National Agriculture and Stockbreeding Defense

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In the past years, Brazil has stood out for its leadership and high competitiveness in food production, a position reached especially due to the substantial efforts put into research, development and innovation, associated with free entrepreneurship, natural favorable conditions, abundant and efficient food production, and governmental efforts, notably those of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa). However, if on one hand the quantitative issues regarding Brazil's food production have been overcome, the sustainable and full continuity of the leadership and competitiveness reached still represent a pressing and insistent challenge: the growing demands for adequate food quality and safety control systems in an increasingly complex world. The National Plan for the Control of Residue and Contaminants (PNCRC) is a federal food inspection and monitoring program based on risk analysis, and it aims to quantify residue and chemical contaminants that are potentially harmful to the consumers' health. The program aims to evaluate the effective adoption of practices used in the course of agro-food chains, in order to guarantee the hygienic-sanitary safety of products, in order to maximize the safety of foods offered to consumers, in accordance to established international sanitary requisites. The main goal of the risk analysis is to offer objective and valid methods to identify, evaluate, manage and communicate sanitary and phytosanitary risks associated with the production of animal and plant-based products, genetic material, foods, and biological products in general. This project aims to develop mathematical and computational models to organize and treat the data generated by the PNCRC, collected during the period of 2008-2011 and referring to beef, milk, apples, and papayas; and to determine levels of exposure to agrochemical residue and meat contaminants faced by Brazilian farming, in accordance with Mapa's needs; and evaluate pest and disease risks in maize and citrus fruits, by representing the dynamics of Huanglongbing (HLB) and citrus greening disease, in a citrus fruit orchard, and of diseases such as Corn Stunt Spyroplasm (CSS) and Maize Bushy Stunt Phytoplasm.

Status: Completed Start date: Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2010 Conclusion date: Sat Oct 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015

Head Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture

Project leader: Sonia Ternes
