Monitoring and intelligence system for the management of dairy herds and automation in milk production systems
Monitoring and intelligence system for the management of dairy herds and automation in milk production systems

Photo: Katia Cristina Lage dos Santos, Gustavo Bervian dos Santos
Milk production systems have gone through a process of specialization characterized by increasing the size of the herds, productivity and, notably, by reducing the man: cow relationship. The downsizing of skilled labour in production systems demands the development of precision dairy farming tools that allow the generation of individualized data of animals in a given herd. For that matter, there is a need not only for sensors capable of identifying and generating data on individual animals, but also for systems that enable interpretation of data to generate logical decisions to support decision-making. This project develops physiological, productive, and behavioral indicators to generate intelligence to herd control systems and a prototype software for automated evaluation of body condition score (BCS). Data generated in electronic feeders and troughs equipped with devices for body weighing and gathering of production data are parameterized to define descriptors of productive and feeding behavior for lactating cows and indicative critical limits of disorders in the animals. The project also includes acquiring digital images and the study of anatomical points and regions associated with BCS in order to aid the development of prototype software for the automation of such a measure. Finally, it is proposed the validation of the developed tools aiming at their adoption by entrepreneurial farmers.
Status: Completed Start date: Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014 Conclusion date: Tue Feb 28 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017
Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Project leader: Bruno Campos de Carvalho
Keywords: pecuária de precisão, reprodução animal, nutrição