Promotion of the local seed production chain: breeding and distribution of bell pepper and pepper varieties by farmers
Promotion of the local seed production chain: breeding and distribution of bell pepper and pepper varieties by farmers

Photo: MINITTI, André Fachini
Pepper (Capsicum spp.) is a high-yield commodity in Togo(Maatman, and the Al., 2011). The local pepper varieties are preferred and widely consumed, but there are no commercial seeds available in the market, or a Capsicum breeding program in Togo. Farmers themselves perpetuate the local varieties by collecting seeds of commercial fruits for the next sowing. Through a participatory research approach, this project aims at: 1) Selecting two local red pepper varieties and two bell pepper varieties through two cycles of massal selection; 2) Assessing and selecting two improved pepper cultivars and two bell pepper cultivars from Brazil; 3) Training farmers for seed production and make high-quality seeds available for smallholders; 4) Improving Togolese farmers' income; and 5) Adding value to the pepper production chain in Togo.
Ecosystem: Cerrados Region
Status: Completed Start date: Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 Conclusion date: Thu May 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018
Head Unit: Embrapa Vegetables
Project leader: Claudia Silva da Costa Ribeiro
Keywords: seleção, Capsicum, produtividade, treinamento