SIPI - Pará's Innovation System

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In order to achieve sustainable development from STI (Science, Technology and Innovation), Pará's Innovation System (SIPI) was created, being the state's pillar of CTI. A science and technology park (PCT) in Belém (PCT Guamá) will be set up in one of the structuring actions. This project aims to contribute to SIPI's consolidation, by setting up laboratories in the strategic areas to in order to promote the state's development, with the partnership of the state's two important research institutions: the Federal University of the State of Pará and Oriental Amazon Embrapa. PPCT-Guamá will focus its actions in Energy, Information and Communication Technology (TIC), Biotechnology, Phytosanity and Agro-industry, and it's being installed in an area of 72 hectares at UFPA's Guamá's campus. The state of Pará has invested in the implantation of this project with funds in the order of R$40,000,000, in which 30% (13,000,000) is already guaranteed in 2007's budget in order to secure infrastructure works. UFPA has also invested with funds in the order of R$22,000,000, which correspond to the land's acquisition. The requested funds are in the order of R$7,037,494, which are distributed to sub-projects such as the implantation of a Phytosanitary and Management Lab (R$1,190,676), Implantation of a Biotechnology Lab (R$1,619,340) and Information Technology (R$1,513,482). Oriental Amazon Embrapa will coordinate the first two sub-projects, and it will also participate in a third (Biofuel and Oils), and Para's Federal University will deal with the remaining projects. In addition to these labs' implantations, this project also has research in strategic areas of Pará.

Ecosystem: Amazonic

Status: Completed Start date: Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 Conclusion date: Thu May 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012

Head Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon

Project leader: Marcos Ene Chaves Oliveira
