Conservation and Recovery of Degraded Areas in Family Production Units in the Brazilian Oriental Amazon
Conservation and Recovery of Degraded Areas in Family Production Units in the Brazilian Oriental Amazon
This project aims to recover legal reserve areas (ARL) or areas of permanent preservation (APP), in regions of family agriculture at the Brazilian Oriental Amazon, in the hopes of reducing impacts resulted from agricultural and forest practices. The project aims to train at least 150 family farmers in management of natural resources in areas which are close to bodies of water, and also to recover and monitor these areas' environment. The project will be developed in micro-basins of the Bragança, Capitão Poço, Garrafão do Norte and Altamira counties, in partnerships with farmer unions and families. The hope is to offer environmental education applied to the training courses, and the establishment of demonstrating networks based on referential recovery actions of degraded areas (at least 20 units), in order to offer activities that raise awareness of the responsible use of water and vegetable resources by locals. In addition, there is a hope that the environmental legislation's debate and compliance reach family agriculture in the Brazilian Oriental Amazon, as well as the scientific monitoring of recuperating units (at least 9 units), and also the elaboration of a monitoring system at degraded areas which are under the process of recovery so that it may serve as a starting point to formulate public policies which are more adequate than the ones currently adopted. In order to make this happen in a more direct manner, the project relies on partnerships with the Brazilian Environmental and Renewable Natural Resources Institute - IBAMA. The participatory focus will permeate the project's initiatives, from management with formation of local groups by the county and a management committee with their representatives, and even other activities of planned research and development, with distribution of educational material.
Ecosystem: Amazonic
Status: Completed Start date: Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 Conclusion date: Thu Mar 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016
Head Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon
Project leader: Silvio Brienza Junior