Aquaculture species' nutrition

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This project aims to study nutritional factors and establish new types of diets for tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus), pintado ( Pseudoplatystoma corruscans), tambaqui ( Colossoma macropomum) and marine shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei.), species inserted into production chains still incipient in Brazil. Due to the differentiated state of each species, studies were conducted in oreder to fill the nutritional gaps in key technological areas in which each species had greater need. To achieve this, the animals are fed experimental diets in order to observe the effect of these diets on the performance, stress and occurrence of pathological problems (evaluated in conjunction with PC4) and the quality of meat obtained (evaluated in conjunction with the PC6). The experiments will be conducted in different units of Embrapa and partner institutions, each responsible for the study of the species of importance in their region. Thus, it is expected to obtain results which enable the formulation and balancing rations at lower cost and meet the nutritional requirements of each species. With the replacement of protein by non-protein ingredients, it is expected to achieve a reduction in discharge of nitrogen compounds to the environment evaluated in conjunction with the PC5. The network environment will, in addition to integration and minimization efforts, validate experiments by conducting tests in different locations. The experiments will be carried out considering the integration with the components of health projects, handling and management, breeding and agro-industrial exploitation, considering that nutrition has profound impacts on these aspects. The integration will occur in order to provide and receive data for the projects mentioned components.


Status: Completed Start date: Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2007 Conclusion date: Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012

Head Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon

Project leader: Heitor Martins Junior
