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Nova versão da SITE-MLog reúne dados de produção, exportação e logística de dez cadeias produtivas Ferramenta interativa traz novidades como mapas com a distribuição de armazéns e...
Publishing date: 03/12/24
A mathematical model to estimate changes in ports' areas of influence due to the implementation of new transportation infrastructure was developed by Embrapa Territorial, Unicamp...
Publishing date: 02/02/23
This is a platform with numerical and cartographic data from all over Brazil regarding agricultural production and its flow through the national territory to meet the domestic market and export de
...Methodology: Computerized procedure Launch year: 2024 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Territorial
This project proposes to carry out temporal updates on the Strategic Territorial Intelligence System of the Brazilian Agricultural Macro-logistics (SITE-MLog), and has gone through three stages of execution since 2016 and was launched in 2018. The platform allows generating more than 500 thousand interactive maps for 10 agricultural products corresponding to more than 75% of the national agricultural production and favors the contextualization and analysis of territorial situations and generatio
Status: Completed Start date: Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019