Development, impact assessment and strategies to promote innovation with the Remote Small Ruminant Nutrition Advice Service - AssessoNutri

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The project has the aim of finishing the development of the mobile and Remote Small Ruminant Nutrition Advice Service - AssessoNutri by assessing the technological solution in its actual environment and measuring its impacts. The Service, which can estimate the composition of the diet and pastures consumed by animals and prescribe the formulation of diets and need for supplements with higher precision, will be implemented in three Technical Reference Units in the region of the Inhamuns backcountry, in the state of Ceará. The project's contribution is the possibility to offer an agile service that is affordable to farmers, can guide nutritional management decisions and reduce production costs, thus reducing the acquisition of food concentrates.

Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Thu Jun 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2022

Head Unit: Embrapa Goats & Sheep

Project leader: Marco Aurelio Delmondes Bomfim
