Agroindustrial alternatives to strengthening of the small family citrus value chain in the South of Brazil

Photo: LANZETTA, Paulo
The project aims to develop/finalize, validate and disseminate technologies that strengthen the chain of production of family-based citrus, collaborating for its socio-economic-environmental sustainability, basically through prospecting in germplasm and the development of products rich in bioactive compounds. In order to conduct the project, a multidisciplinary and interinstitutional team was formed, composed of researchers, extension agents, representatives of the productive chain and consumers. The project involves the exploration of technologies relating to new varietal options and to the development of products (inputs for agroindustries of foods, such as capsules of essential oils for use as ingredients in the elaboration of other products; active films of antibactericidal action for use in food preservation; natural defensive agents based on chitosan and essential oils to protect plants from disease; and new fruit-based teas, fruit jellies and jellies from alternative cultivars). The research will be conducted in laboratories and experimental fields located mainly in Rio Grande do Sul, but also in Santa Catarina and Paraná. The main expected impacts are the sustainability of the family properties involved with the agroindustries, allowing more employment and income to the citrus growers, diversification and strengthening of agroindustries, formation of a research network and production in agricultural products citrus industries, and consumer satisfaction with the availability of new quality products on the market. As the research and extension activities will be carried out in a participatory manner with the productive sector, it is expected the immediate application of the generated technologies, and for that, it is planned the installation of demonstration units, organization of events, radio programs and television, and webcasting, as well as face-to-face contact with the actors in the production chain. It is also hoped to contribute to the training and training of mid-level technicians, undergraduate and postgraduate students, in order to feed back the system.
Ecosystem: Extreme South
Status: Completed Start date: Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017 Conclusion date: Mon Aug 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2020
Head Unit: Embrapa Temperate Agriculture
Project leader: Roberto Pedroso de Oliveira
Keywords: Óleos essenciais, Chás, Sucos varietais, Biofilmes, Defensivos naturais