Technology Development and Compliance to the Culture of Olive Trees in Southern Brazil
Olives and olive oil are products frequently found in Brazilian tables. As a result of the small number of planted areas and insignificant production in Brazil, importing has been an alternative to supply internal demand. In 2007, the country imported US$170 millions in olive oil and US$250 millions in olives, according to data from the Ministry of Development, Industry and International Commerce. Researches carried out by Epamig, in Maria da Fé - MG, demonstrated the possibility of rational exploitation of olive trees in Southeast Brazil, through the use of two selected cultivars adapted to cold regions. However, in order to consolidate the olive culture as another agri-business alternative in Brazil, and in order to obtain successful exploitation, with rationality and sustainability (environmental, economic and social), it is necessary to support intensive researches which aim to implement a production system for olive culture. Thusly, the general goal of this project is to develop or adapt technologies which allow sustainable exploitation of olive culture, by means of germoplasm introduction actions, phyto-technical management, associated to phenological and physiological cultivar evaluation, integrated management of plagues and diseases and qualified production of olive oil and olives which possibly will ground the formation of production centers in different regions of southern Brazil, generating jobs and income in the rural and urban sectors.
Ecosystem: Extreme South
Status: Completed Start date: Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2010 Conclusion date: Sat Nov 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013
Head Unit: Embrapa Temperate Agriculture
Project leader: Enilton Fick Coutinho
Keywords: Azeite, Azeitona, Olea europaea, Sistema de produção