Transparency and Accountability
Planning and monitoring of results
The objectives, targets, performance indicators defined for the fiscal year and the results achieved by them, their link to Embrapa's strategic objectives and mission and, where appropriate, the Multiannual Plan, national and sectoral government plans and superior governance bodies.
OBS.: In the links above, the mentioned documents concern the current fiscal year and previous fiscal years.
Public value of products and results generated, preserved or delivered
Public value in terms of products and results generated, preserved or delivered in the fiscal year, and the ability to continue in future fiscal years
OBS.: In the link above, social reports for this year and for previous years are available.
Management and control activities
Main supervisory, control and correction actions adopted by Embrapa to ensure legality, legitimacy, savings and transparency in the allocation of public funds.
OBS.: In the links above, there are mentioned documents concerning the current fiscal year and previous fiscal years available.
Organizational Structure
Organizational structure, expertise, applicable legislation, main positions and occupants, addresses and telephone numbers of units, working hours.
- Organogram
- Units (research centers)(including addresses, telephone numbers and working hours)
- Statute, internal bylaws, reports and other institutional documents
- Staff: Executive officers and full list of employees
- Law establishing Embrapa
Programs, projects, actions, works and activities
Programs, projects, actions, works and activities, with indication of the responsible unit, main goals and results and, when existing, result and impact indicators, with figures achieved in the period and accumulated in the year.
Allocation or transfers of funds.
Budget and financial execution
Budget and financial execution in detail.
Past and ongoing calls for tenders, by modality, with notices, annexes and results, in addition to contracts signed and billings issued.
Remuneration and benefits received by occupants of positions, according to their post, degree, role and job, including aid, allowances and other cash benefits, in addition to income from retirement and pensions.
Monitoring authority
Contact of the monitoring authority, designated pursuant to Article 40 of Law 12,527 of 2011, and telephone and e-mail of the Citizen’s Information Service (SIC)
Financial Statements
Accounting statements accompanied by respective explanatory notes, documents and information of collective interest.
OBS.: In the links above, the mentioned documents concerning the current fiscal year and previous fiscal years are available.
Administration and Management Reports
- Administration Reports
- Management Reports
- Annual Charter of Public Policy and Corporate Governance
- Legal Opinion of the Audit of Accountability 2021
OBS.: In the links above, the mentioned documents concerning the current fiscal year and previous fiscal years are available.