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This project that integrates the AgroNano Network aims to develop new materials of biological origin - Biodegradable compounds - from renewable sources, using nanotechnology and advanced characterization techniques. In other words, it aims to develop bionanocomposites containing nanoparticles out of agricultural products and by-products, adding value to different supply chains. As a result of this proposal, different products are expected to be obtained: cellulose nanostructures, nanostructured Status: Completed Start date: 01/04/2011 |
Eucalyptus grown in elevated regions of southern Brazil differs from other regions of thecountry that produce this crop, because of the limited amount of genetic materials that arecommercially available. Because germplasm always must be prepared to withstand frequentfrosts from intense cold fronts in order to provide wood for various utilities, there are limitedoptions for supplying this raw material from planted forests. Thanks to initiatives by EmbrapaFlorestas in past decades (principally the Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2019 |