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    A company that is in touch with the market and focused on the delivery of value for society. Embrapa continuously aims to have the technologies and knowledge its science generates effectively constitute innovation and generate impact. Hence we work with public and private partners and invest in open innovation to boost social, economic and strategic development in agriculture.

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    Challenges and programs for entrepreneurs and startups

    Idea challenges, calls for proposals, innovation programs, connection with investors, and much more.


    Lines of RD&I support and funding

    Brazilian Law 11196/05, Law 13969, and Finep Conecta offer tax benefits and credit lines for technological innovation initiatives



    Embrapa's innovation and business activities are coordinated by the Directorate of Business. In each Decentralized Unit there is a Technological Innovation Team (NIT, from the acronym in Portuguese) focused on innovation and business processes.

  • Innovation macroprocess

    A set of six stages that range from strategic intelligence to impact assessment. In combination with an open innovation model, the macroprocess interconnects research, development, innovation, partners, customers, production sector and society.

  • Innovation policy

    Document with strategies, structures, processes and teams to strengthen Embrapa's skills and capacities aiming at innovation.


    Contact us

    Together we can find pathways that lead to successful partnerships for innovation.