    Embrapa is a company with a global spirit, which has built a solid international cooperation network in the course of its history. It is currently present in all the populated continents and has partnerships with some of the world's top institutions and research networks. The corporation's activities abroad also contribute in scientific and technical aspects to the Brazilian Government's international agenda.

Contact Contact


    Embrapa has an Advisory Service for International Relations (ARIN), a strategic division under the Presidency, which supports the Board of Directors in their relations with and establishment of governmental and private institutional partnerships, the welcome of international dignitaries and delegations, the elaboration of corporate strategies and oversight of Embrapa's business activities, programs and projects abroad; informs strategic decisions by Embrapa's directors and managing officers; and coordinates and analyzes risks.

    Contact details:

    +55 61 3448-4216

Scientific Cooperation Scientific Cooperation

  • Scientific cooperation

    Knowledge exchanges and advances in scientific and technological research with several institutions in the world, to the benefit of Brazilian agriculture.

    Contact: gcpdi.sci@embrapa.br

  • Technical cooperation

    Promotion of multilateral and bilateral cooperation, contributing to reduce poverty and hunger in African, Caribbean and Latin American countries.

    Contact: gcpdi.sci@embrapa.br

  • Global policies

    Front that aims at overseeing, preparing and managing institutional positions and informing the position of the Brazilian government in conventions, agreements, protocols, commissions and global forums.

    Contact: depi.gipdi@embrapa.br

  • Technology business

    Embrapa's technologies have also found space in other countries. Check the categories and goals of the corporation's iinternational business front.

    Contact: dene.gne@embrapa.br

News News

Em visita técnica, melhoristas do CIAT e da Embrapa trocam experiências em pesquisa

Diretores de agência de desenvolvimento francesa visitam Embrapa

Equipe britânica visita Embrapa Meio Ambiente para cooperação agrícola com África

Mais de 100 estrangeiros de 25 países conheceram pesquisas sustentáveis na Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste em 2024

Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia se destaca por atuação internacional

Institutional videos Institutional videos


From: Embrapa     Posted in: 10/10/2023     Views: 371