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Features Features


Resumo: A publicação oferece subsídios para a identificação de demandas prioritárias e à definição de meios de construção coletiva da realidade, em ap...


O NCA cavalo Marajoara e minicavalo Puruca abriga duas coleções biológicas da raça, em sistema de conservação on farm, onde estão sendo realizadas des...


Este documento resulta de um esforço coletivo de co-construção envolvendo agricultores e agricultoras familiares e equipe técnica da Embrapa Alimentos...


Aspectos gerais. Colônias, ninhos, colmeias e cortiços. Composição das colônias, biologia reprodutiva. Polinização e polinizadores. Vegetação e melipo...

Most downloaded publications Most downloaded publications


Recuos na oferta e demanda: a trajetória do leite em 2021; Cai a produção de leite inspecionado em 2021 e a região Sul é destaque; Preços de insumos n...


Elaboradas em linguagem simples e objetiva, as publicações abordam temas relacionados à agropecuária e mostram como otimizar a atividade rural. A cria...


Doenças causadas por fungos: Antracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum); Cancro da haste (Diaporthe aspalathi e Diaporthe caulivora); Crestamento foliar de...


Pragas que atacam plântulas; Lagarta-elasmo ou broca-do-colo (Elasmopalpus lignosellus); Lesmas e caracóis; Piolhos-de-cobra. Pragas que atacam raízes...


Análises físicas; Análises químicas; Análises da matéria orgânica; Análises mineralógicas; Análises micromorfológicas.


As pitayas são conhecidas mundialmente como Dragon Fruits ou Frutas-do-Dragão e pertencem à família Cactaceae, a qual possui aproximadamente 100 gêner...


Atributos diagnósticos e outros atributos; Horizontes diagnósticos superficiais e horizontes diagnósticos subsuperficiais; Níveis categóricos do siste...

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Collections and series Collections and series

  • Embrapa Series

    The Embrapa Series are a set of publications that contain technical information resulting from research projects, technology transfer, technical meetings and managerial activities. They are named after their type of content: Sistemas de Produção [Production Systems], Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento [Bulletin of Research and Development], Documentos [Documents], Circular Técnica [Technical Circular], Comunicado Técnico [Technical Communiqué] and Eventos Técnicos & Científicos [Scientific & Technical Events].

  • Technical Circular

    Each issue of this series offers technical recommendations that relate to one or more technological solutions on a given topic.
  • Technical Communication

    Each issue of the series introduces a new product or recent technological solution that has an innovative nature and can mitigate an emergency problem.
  • Documents

    Each issue of this series presents study findings and a range of relevant technical information concerning the activities programed and developed by Embrapa's Units.
  • Production systems

    Each issue of this series features a systematic full set of recommended technologies to economically explore a plant or animal species with a focus on production chains.
  • Technical & Scientific Events

    Each issue of this series of proceedings brings research results, experience reports and case studies presented at technical/scientific events organized by Embrapa's Units.

Collections Collections

  • Plantar

    Pocket-sized, illustrated and written in plain, didactic language, the titles of the Plantar [Cropping] collection focus on the basic aspects of the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants, oilseeds, and others.

  • Agroindústria Familiar

    The Agroindústria Familiar [Family Agroindustry] collection offers manuals about the industrial processing of raw materials like milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes.

  • ABC da Agricultura Familiar

    The publications in the ABC da Agricultura Familiar [ABC of Familiy Farming] collection show how to optimize agricultural activities. Animal husbandry, cropping techniques, pest and disease control, alternative fertilization, and the elaboration of fruit preserves are some of the topics they address.

  • 500 perguntas 500 respostas

    The publications in the 500 perguntas 500 respostas [500 questions 500 answers] collection were elaborated based on questions made by farmers, associations, cooperatives, etc. and answered by Embrapa.

  • Transição Agroecológica

    The Transição Agroecológica [Agroecological Transition] collection includes publications on themes that support the search for alternatives to prevailing production systems and offer possibilities for more sustainable rural development. The titles aim to inform the transition to sustainable production systems, as they combine technical-scientific knowledge with farmers and traditional communities' historical know-how, with the purpose of consolidating a new field of knowledge, Agroecology. It is coordinated by Embrapa in partnership with the Brazilian Agroecology Association (ABA-Agroecologia).

Digital environments Digital environments

Open repositories Open repositories

  • Infoteca-e

    Information on technologies for those who work in the fields, such as farmers, extension agents, agricultural technicians, students and teachers at rural schools, cooperative members, and others.

  • Alice

    Scientific information published as book chapters, papers in indexed journals, papers in conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, technical notes, and others kinds of publications.

  • Sabiia

    Tool to search scientific publications in open-access repositories by national and international science and education institutions.

  • Agricultural Research Database (BDPA)

    System to consult Embrapa's physical and digital library catalogues.

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