Ombudsman's Office
The Ombudsman's Office is the body of participation and social control at Embrapa. In order to improve public management, the Ombudsman's Office is responsible for guaranteeing the access to information (Law No. 12,527/2011) and for treating manifestations received from employees and external people (Law No. 13,460/2017). Embrapa Ombudsman's Office is part of the Federal Executive Branch's Ombudsman System (SisOuv, Decree No. 9,492/2018) and is linked to the Embrapa Administrative Council (CONSAD).
Learn more about the Ombudsman's Office's attributions.
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Sede da Embrapa, Bloco E. Ouvidoria. Parque Estação Biológica - PqEB s/nº. Brasília, DF
Funcionamento de segunda a sexta-feira, das 8h às 12h e das 13h às 17hTelefone: (61) 3448 4199