Legislation that disciplines Ombudsmanship in Brazil.
Law 13726, of October 8, 2018 (Simplification of Public Services)
rationalizes acts and administrative procedures of the Brazilian Federal Government, the State and the Federal District Governments, and City Governments, and also institutes the Debureaucratization and Simplification Seal.
Law 13709, of August 14 , 2018 (Personal Data Protection Law)
makes provisions on the processing of personal data, including in digital media, by a natural person or legal entity governed by public or private law, for the purpose of protecting the fundamental rights to freedom and privacy and the free development of individual personality.
Law 13460, of June 26, 2017 (Law on the Protection and Defense of Users of Public Services)
makes provisions on the participation, protection and defense of the rights of users of public services.
Law 12813, of May 16, 2013 (Law of Conflict of Interest)
makes provisions on conflict of interest in the exercise of jobs or positions at the Federal Executive Power and further proscriptions to the exercise of positions or jobs; and revokes provisions of Law 9986, of July 18, 2000, and Provisional Measures MP 2216-37, of August 31, 2001, and MP 2225-45, of September 4, 2001.
Law 12527, of November 18, 2011 (Law of Access to Information)
regulates access to information as stipulated in item XXXIII of art 5, in item II of the 3rd paragraph of art. 37 and in paragraph 2 of art. 216 of the Brazilian Constitution; modifies Law 8112, of December 11, 1990; revokes Law 11111, of May 5, 2005, and provisions of Law 8159, of January 8,1991; and makes other provisions.
Decree 9716, of February 26, 2019
revokes Decree 9690, of January 23, 2019, which modifies Decree 7724, of May 16, 2012, which regulates Law 12527, November 18, 2011 - Law of Access to Information.
Decree 9690, of January 23, 2019 - Clarification Note by CGU
modifies Decree 7724, of May 16, 2012, which regulates Law 12527, November 18, 2011 - Law of Access to Information..
Decree 9492, of September 5, 2018 - Questions and answers about the decree
regulates Law 13460, of June 26, 2017, which makes provision on the participation, protection and defense of the rights of users of public services provided by the federal public administration; institutes the Federal Executive Ombudsmanship Service, and changes Decree 8910, of November 22, 2016, which approves the Regimental Structure and the Framework of Commissioned Jobs at the Ministry of the Transparency, Supervision and Comptroller General of Brazil.
makes provisions on the simplification of services provided to users of public services, ratifies the dispensation of notarial authentication of documents and of signatures produced in the country, and institutes the Charter of Services to Users.
institutes the National Policy of Social Participation - PNPS and the National Social Participation System - SNPS and makes other provisions.
regulates Law 12527, of November 18, 2011, which makes provisions on the access to information stipulated by item XXXIII of art 5, in item II of the 3rd paragraph of art. 37 and in paragraph 2 of art. 216 of the Brazilian Constitution.
makes provisions on the agencies that belong to the indirect Federal Public Administration.
Ordinance 176, of June 25, 2018
makes provisions on the ban on agencies and bodies of the federal Public Administration requiring documents from users of public services.
Ordinance 1866, of August 29, 2017
institutes the Informatized Ombudsmanship System for Entities of the Federation - e-Ouv Municípios - and creates the simplified procedure to adhere to the Ombudsmanship Strengthening Program.
Interministerial Ordinance 424, of December 30, 2016
establishes rules to implement Decree 6170, of July 25, 2007, which establishes rules regarding the transfer of funds from the Federal Government through agreements and contracts; revokes Interministerial Ordinance 507/MP/MF/CGU, of November 24, 2011, and makes other provisions.
CGU Ordinance 3681, of December 13, 2016 (revoked by NI 15/2018)
regulates the submission of data and information to the Union's General Ombudsman's Office
CGU Ordinance 1864, of October 24, 2016
institutes the Program of Citizen Assessment of Public Services and Policy
CGU Ordinance 50252, of December 15, 2015
institutes, in the scope of the Offfice of the Comptroller General of Brazil, the Federal Executive Informatized Ombudsmanship System – e-Ouv and the Ombusman's Office Monitoring Room.
CGU Ordinance 50253, of December 15, 2015
institutes the Program to Strengthen Ombudsman's Offices.
CGU Ordinance 1567, of August 22, 2013
designates the General Ombudsman to hear and decide on appeals directed at the Office of the Comptroller General, with due observance of the provisions of this Ordinance.
CGU Ordinance 1613, of July 26, 2012
regulates the procedures concerning the availability, classification, treatment and management of classified and confidential information at the level of the Office for the Comptroller General.
CGU Ordinance 1023, of May 17, 2012
The Office of the Comptroller General created a Citizen Information Service - SIC/CGU, in compliance with the provisions of art. 9 of Law 12527, of November 18, 2011 - Law of Access to Information.
OGU Normative instruction 19, of December 3, 2018
establishes rules to exclusively receive submissions to ombudsman's offices through the units of the Federal Executive Ombudsmanship System- e-OUV.
OGU Normative Instruction 18, of December 3, 2018
establishes the adoption of the Federal Executive Ombudsmanship System - e-OUV, as the sole platform to receive submissions to ombudsman's offices, in the terms of art. 16 of Decree 9492, from 2018.
OGU Normative Instruction 17, of December 3, 2018
establishes guidance for the work of the Ombudsman's Offices of Brazilian Federal Executive state-owned companies that provide public services, which, though not providing public services, receive funds from the National Treasure for full or partial expenses with staff or for general expenses, in the terms of art. 2, items II and III, of Decree 9492, of September 5, 2018.
OGU Normative Instruction 16, of November 21, 2018
modifies Normative Instruction 6, of June 28, 2018.
OGU Normative Instruction 15, of November 19, 2018
institutes Program for the Continued Improvement of Federal Executive Ombudsman's Offices (PROMOUV), makes provisions on the Maturity Model for Public Ombudsman's Offices (MMOuP), revokes CGU Ordinance 3681, of December 13 , 2018 and makes other provisions.
OGU Normative Instruction 6, of June 28, 2018 (modified by NI 16/2018)
regulates item IX of art. 13 of Annex I of Decree 8910, of November 22, 2016, and institutes the Program of Continued Training in Ombudsmanship.
Joint Normative Instruction 5, of June 18, 2018
establishes guidance for the work of the Brazilian Federal Executive Ombudsman's Offices in their exercise of the attributions defined by chapters III and IV of Law 13460, of June 26, 2017.
Joint Normative Instruction 1, of January 12, 2018
makes provisions on the procedures that apply to the Simplification Requests established by Decree 9094, of July 17, 2017.
OGU Normative Instruction 04, of November 06, 2017
institutes the Me-Ouv procedure for automated access to the Ombudsmanship System – e-Ouv through apps in the scope of the Program of Assessment of Public Services and Policies – PROCID.
Joint CRG/OGU Normative Instruction 1, of June 24, 2014
establishes rules to receive and address anonymous claims and complaints and establishes guidelines to preserve the submitter's identity.