Special Pages
Action and Campaigns
With attentions turned to urgent issues in society and especially those that relate to the rural world, Embrapa promotes a range of actions and campaigns to inform the public and promote technologies and sustainable practices for the agricultural sector. Check some of them below.
Embrapa's 50+
Strategies for the future
This is the beginning of a new stage of our activities. Here you will find some of the challenges that will mobilize our efforts in the next 50 years. You can also learn about innovations and new technologies that will soon be part of our everyday lives. A result of joint work with many partners that you can check out now!
Embrapa FertBrasil Caravan
Embrapa's FertBrasil Caravan is setting out to visit the country's main agricultural regions, and showcase technologies and knowledge to increase efficiency in the use of fertilizers, with a focus on sustainable soil management and improved productivity. -
Embrapa and SDGs
Check Embrapa's activities that relate to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. -
Corn Leafhopper Control
Check information on how to control leafhoppers, which are the main vectors of mollicutes, bacteria that cause corn stunting. -
Meat Quality
From the farm to the table, there is Science supporting the production, transformation and distribution of Brazilian meat. Check Embrapa's activities in meat quality, health, traceability, safety, and animal welfare. -
Science to Transform Life
Check agricultural research innovations that have contributed to transforming the fields, the markets and consumers' tables. -
Forest Code
Reclamation strategies, previous experiences, suggested native plant species, technological solutions, and agricultural best practices.
Theme pages
Access Embrapa's theme pages below. There you will find information on different themes related to agriculture, combined with an associated selection of Publications, Projects, and Products, Processes and Services created by the company.
- Low carbon agriculture
- Family farming
- Automation and precision agriculture
- Bioeconomy
- Biological control
- Coping with droughts
- Biological nitrogen fixation
- Geotechnologies
- Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forestry Systems
- Matopiba
- Cultivars
- Nanotechnology
- Food loss and food waste
- Fishery and aquaculture
- Weeds
- Quarantine pests
- Rural sanitation
- Environmental services
- Food security, nutrition and health
- Brazilian soils
- GMOs
- Agroecological zoning
For children and young adults
Science-telling on the Web
Interactive website in Portuguese for discoveries about the environment. -
Embrapa & Schools
Program that brings Embrapa closer to educational institutions, promoting ties between scientists on one side and students and teachers on the other, in order to encourage interest in scientific knowledge.