The Board of Directors of Embrapa is composed of the four directorates and the Presidency. The tasks of the Presidency and each of the Directorates are:

  • Promote actions aimed at improving and integrating people, structures, and processes, aiming to align them with institutional strategies.
  • Promote the compatibility of the activities of the Units under its supervision with: sectoral public policies, the federal government Multi-Year Plan (PPA), and the
  • general budget of Brazil, with regard to: agricultural research, scientific and technological development of agriculture, and innovation in Brazilian agriculture.
  • Provide the necessary institutional conditions for the management of the Central Units under its responsibility, as well as the operation and performance of related processes.
  • Direct and monitor the management of Decentralized Units, supporting the interaction between the Board of Directors and Centralized Units, as well as relationship with partners and external organizations, whenever necessary.
  • Guide Central Units and Decentralized Units managers regarding alignment, interface, and impacts, concerning multidisciplinary, intra and interorganizational strategies, processes, and actions.
  • Articulate information in order to support Board of Directors’ decision-making process.