Press page
Embrapa News Agency
News report 18/03/2025
Doença começa a mudar o mapa da citricultura no Brasil. Ciência ajuda na migração dos plantios
Zoneamento de risco climático e boas práticas de manejo visam conter avanço do greening -
News report 18/03/2025
Técnicas combinadas identificam milho transgênico de forma ágil e acessível
Pesquisadores usam espectrometria e aprendizado de máquina para distinguir grãos com precisão -
News report 18/03/2025
Nova tecnologia acelera mapeamento automático de viveiros escavados no Brasil
Aplicada com sucesso no Paraná, solução localizou com precisão mais de 42 mil tanques de piscicultura no estado
Special contents
Official statements
Embrapa's official statements on topics related to research and the production sector.
Social networks
Check Embrapa's official channels on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube.
Information sources
Social Report
Annual publication that details impacts of the adoption of technologies and some of the main results obtained by Embrapa throughout the previous year. -
Embrapa 50+
Discover the three main pillars of Embrapa's strategic agenda for the following 50 years. -
Agricultural data
Thematic dashboards provide consolidated and interactive information from FAO and IBGE databases on selected agricultural products -
Intelligence and market
Page for Embrapa's Knowledge Network, which gathers Observatories and Intelligence Centers that compile information about several production chains..
Strategic guidelines
Other pages
Schedule of the Board of Directors
Schedules of public engagements for president and directors.
Press teams
Embrapa's press office hours comply with the working hours of each of its Decentralized Units, considering the different time zones in the Brazilian territory. At the headquarters, they are 7:30am to 6:15pm, Monday through Friday, and contact details are: and (+55 61) 3448-4285, 3448-1861 and 3448-1516.
Check the list of press officers at the headquarters and in our research centers below:
Embrapa Foods and Territories
Embrapa Coffee
Embrapa Temperate Agriculture
Embrapa Grape and Wine