Gerson Neudi Scheuermann

Researcher Embrapa Swine & Poultry


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Sector: Núc Temático Prod de Aves

Date of Hire: 11/01/1995

Registration: 291724


He holds degrees in Agricultural Engineering from the Federal University of Pelotas (1990), master's degree in Animal Science from the Federal University of Pelotas ( 1993) and Ph.D. in Poultry Science from Auburn University (2003). Has experience in Animal Science with emphasis in Nutrition and Feed utilization, acting especially on broiler production with emphasis on nutrition, and food safety, especially in the control chemical residues. Has accumulated experience in management, which began as a Supervisor Production and Product Quality Control when still in the Private Company. Once in Embrapa, served as the a Member and Head of the Internal Technical Committee (CTI), Leader of a Thematic Research Group, Member of Local Publications Committee (CLP) and Leader of the Research and Development team (2009-2014). Led the winning research of the ABPA Applicable Research Merit Contest at SIAVS/2022, which supported the Legislation update regarding moisture and protein contents in frozen chicken cuts. Has close relationship with the swine and poultry production chains, acting at both the production and processing areas. Since 2003 produces the technical reports for conversion between inputs and output products required for the swine and poultry ?Drawback? operations.


1981 - 1983

Ensino Médio em

Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Concórdia

Obtained year: 1983

1984 - 1990

Graduação em Agronomia

Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Obtained year: 1990

1990 - 1993

Mestrado em Zootecnia

Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Title: Exigências de lisina e metionina do frango de corte LKP-Embrapa

Obtained year: 1993

Advisor: João Carlos Maier

1999 - 2003

Doutorado em Poultry Science

Auburn University

Title: Effect of genotype and growth factors on pectoralis muscle development in chickens

Obtained year: 2003

Advisor: Sacit F. Bilgili

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Nutrition and Animal Feed
  2. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Biologia Muscular / Especialidade: Desenvolvimento Muscular e Expressão de Genes
  3. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Animal Science / Subárea: Animal Production / Especialidade: Segurança Alimentar
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