Busca de Produtos e Serviços
Banana BRS Pacoua

Photo: Cunha, Léa Cunha
Pacoua is a variety of Pacovan banana, generated by Embrapa Cassava and Fruits's Banana and Plantain Breeding Program. This cultivar is recommended for the Northern region of Brazil, especially the State of Para. It presents resistance to fruit plummeting and high rusticity, which is particularly important for producers of family farming. Among the exotic fruit species, banana is the most used in agroforestry systems in consortium with black pepper, guarana, cupuaçu and, especially, with cocoa. It is a product for fresh consumption with wide commercial acceptance throughout the state.
Where to find:
GF Teixeira Agropecuária Ltda
Rodovia BR-101, Km 215, s/n - Sítio Vivenda Menino de Jesus - Zona rural
Cidade: Muritiba
Telefone: (75) 9.9154-1484
E-mail: gfernandot1980@gmail.com
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2016
Country: Brazil Region: North State: Pará Biome: Amazon Rainforest
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits
Participating Units: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits, Embrapa Eastern Amazon
Keywords: Sigatoka-amarela, Sigatoka-negra, Pacovan, Pará