Busca de Produtos e Serviços
Organic production system of Tahiti acid lime in the Lençóis region, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil

Photo: CUNHA, Léa
The adoption of organic production systems gives rise to a healthy product, free of contaminants, as neither synthetic nor transgenic agrochemicals are used.
The certified organic product is entitled to use the seal of the Brazilian Organic Conformity Assessment System (SisOrg). It is recommended to use biodegradable packaging.
- The adoption of the organic production system gives rise to a healthy product, without contaminants;
- The organic product is free of synthetic agrochemicals and is non-GMO;
- The certified organic product is entitled to use the seal of the Brazilian Organic Conformity Assessment System (SisOrg).
This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).
Agricultural System: Cultivation system Launch year: 2022
Country: Brazil Region: Northeast State: Bahia Biome: Caatinga
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits
Keywords: Lima-ácida, Pragas, Colheita, Sistema Orgânico, Nematóides