Partnerships for sustainable development of the Serra Geral Territory of Citizenship in Brasil Sem Miséria Project
Busca de Projetos
Partnerships for sustainable development of the Serra Geral Territory of Citizenship in Brasil Sem Miséria Project
The Serra Geral Territory, located in the north of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is composed of 16 municipalities and has an area of 20,581.20 km ², a total population of 285,678 inhabitants (2010 Census, IBGE), 105,196 of them living in rural areas, which correspond to 36.82% of the total. The main business of productive inclusion of the 41,011 family farming establishments, resulting in diversified economy in the rural sector, are dairy cattle, cotton farming, fruit growing of native species, beekeeping, food production, tourism and handicrafts. The overall objective of this project is to organize a partnership territorial network and among units of Embrapa, to train extension workers and farmers on strategies of productive inclusion and participatory methods ensuring sustainable production by family farmers, socioeconomic viability of this important set of civil society, from the perspective of regional and territorial development. Using Units of Learning (individual and collective) as a locus for discussion and socialization, we intend, with this training, to develop and/or adapt production systems with technologies that promote increased incomes to farmers who take part in Brasil Sem Miséria Project. The main expected results are the training of farmers and extension multipliers on technologies and processes for use by farmers, seeking productive inclusion of participants of Brasil Sem Miséria Project.
Status: Completed Start date: Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 Conclusion date: Sun Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017
Head Unit: Embrapa Maize & Sorghum
Project leader: Fredson Ferreira Chaves
Keywords: Agricultura Familiar, Ater, Transferência de Tecnologia