The home loan is personal and can only be made by users who are previously registered in the Embrapa Library System. The loan service is subject to regulation, which establishes loan periods, number of materials, fines, among others.
Who can be registered?
Embrapa employees, in their own unit; civil servants directly or indirectly hired by the Public Administration, at the company’s disposal or at its service; consultants; scholarship holders and interns, in their respective units.
What is needed to register at a library?
Users can go to the library of their Embrapa unit with their personal/professional documentation (ID card, NIN, proof of residence, and Embrapa’s ID document) and fill out the registration. Consultants, scholarship holders and interns have to submit, in addition to the aforementioned documents: a document proving their labour relationship with the Unit issued by the Human Resources of the Unit or headquarters, which shall state the length of their stay, the name of their supervisor or advisor, and the area/sector they are in; and a declaration signed by the scholarship/internship coordinator stating their relationship with Embrapa.
Loan periods
User category: Individual User
Type of material and period: Books, booklets, theses - up to 30 (thirty) days; Periodicals - 15 (fifteen) days.
Quantity: up to 20 (twenty) documents
User Category: Individual User
Type of material and period: Books, booklets, theses until 30 (thirty) months, Periodicals for up to 6 (six) months.
Quantity: Up to 20 (twenty) documents
* The special loan is reserved for Embrapa employees and will be granted upon the presentation of a technical justification and it is authorised by the person responsible for the Library. It can be extended for up to the maximum period of 1(one) year.
How to request the service
Users should contact the Library reference service of the local Embrapa unit, either in person, by telephone or e-mail (consult the list of Embrapa Units)
The user can reserve the desired publication, if it has already been borrowed, by telephone, e-mail or in person. The user will have the period of 48 hours once the reservation comes through to consult the work or request the loan. Reservations rigorously obey the chronological order of requests, unless the request is made by Embrapa’s or seconded employees, who have priority.
Late loans
Through the Ainfo system, the library team will send electronic messages every month to the users with late loans of bibliographic material. The message will request the return of the on-loan item or its renewal, if there is an interest in staying with the publications for a longer period, according to the periods defined in the resolution for each type of publication.
According to the internal resolution on documentary collection management (RN 18, BCA n.36 of 24 August 2015), the loan can be renewed by telephone with the library team or by e-mail (in this second case, it is enough to reply the e-mail message about the due date sent by Ainfo). Loans can be renewed twice by telephone. On the third renewal, the user needs to take the bibliographic material to the library to effectuate the operation.
The user can only renew the loan of the publication if it has not been reserved. If there are any doubts, consult the reference sector of the library of your unit, in person, or send a request by email (check the contact details of your Embrapa library of choice).