Embrapa's Executive Board is composed by the Presidency and four Directorates: Governance and Information (DEGI), Innovation, Business, and Technology Transfer (DINT), Research and Development (DEPD), and Administration (DADM). The Directorate competencies are defined in the applicable federal legislation and in Embrapa's Bylaws. The Directorate tasks are:

a) Make decisions to accomplish the mission in accordance with the strategic view and goals defined in Embrapa Master Plan (PDE), considering the information on the performance and monitoring processes, as well as the strategy assessment. 

b) Elaborate annual and multi-annual budgets aligned with strategic goals, ensuring that financial resources are efficiently allocated and in accordance with the guidelines established by the Administrative Council.

c) Deliberate on topics related to compliance with Embrapa's strategic agenda described in PDE.

d) Promote Embrapa's management in a balanced manner, managing the organization's critical perspectives: staff, information, processes, customers, institutional and financial sustainability.

e) Ensure that strategic guidelines reflect the needs of Embrapa's competitive environment and government guidelines, enabling decision-making at strategic, tactical, and operational levels.

f) Ensure alignment, cohesion, and integration among planning figures and their respective developments in RD&I and institutional management.

g) Monitor the results and impacts of Embrapa's actions and projects. Promote the necessary strategic adjustments to ensure alignment with institutional objectives, compliance with established goals and ensure continuous monitoring of performance and effectiveness.

h) Develop a long-term strategy for the next 5 years, presenting contextualization, objectives, priorities, and goals of the corporation, as well as the analysis of risks and opportunities linked to the achievement of the adopted strategy, in line with art. 23 of Law No. 13,303/2016, and with the respective rules related to the creation of each corporation, submitting it for approval by the Administrative Council.

i) Elaborate the business plan for the following year based on the long-term strategy, containing the goals to be pursued, as established in art. 23 of Law No.13,303/2016.

j) Elaborate the internal regulations for tenders and contracts of Embrapa, in accordance with art. 40 of Law No. 13,303/2016.

k) Approve the proposed annual hiring plan consolidated by the respective area.

l) Carry out quantitative and qualitative assessment of the recruitment sector, to identify possible needs for replacement or training of employees dedicated to the hiring process.
m) Monitor the execution of the annual hiring plan.

n) Inform the Administrative Council about the execution of the annual hiring plan and any occurrences capable of significantly impact the implementation of the approved plan.

o) Adopt measures to correct any errors or difficulties highlighted in the monitoring reports on the execution of the annual hiring plan.

p) Propose to the Administrative Council, throughout the year to which it refers, justified changes to the annual hiring plan.

q) Evaluate, with the internal audit body, the relevance and effectiveness of the measures proposed or adopted by managers to correct possible deviations or irregularities found in audits related to the annual hiring plan.

r) Approve the internal communication plan.

The Board of Directors of Embrapa is composed of the four directorates and the Presidency. The Directorate competencies are defined in the applicable federal legislation and in Embrapa's Bylaws. The Directorate tasks are:

a) Make decisions to accomplish the mission in accordance with the strategic view and goals defined in Embrapa Master Plan (PDE), considering the information on the performance and monitoring processes, as well as the strategy assessment. 

b) Elaborate annual and multi-annual budgets aligned with strategic goals, ensuring that financial resources are efficiently allocated and in accordance with the guidelines established by the Administrative Council.

c) Deliberate on topics related to compliance with Embrapa's strategic agenda described in PDE.

d) Promote Embrapa's management in a balanced manner, managing the organization's critical perspectives: stuff, information, processes, customers, institutional and financial sustainability.

e) Ensure that strategic guidelines reflect the needs of Embrapa's competitive environment and government guidelines, enabling decision-making at strategic, tactical, and operational levels.

f) Ensure alignment, cohesion, and integration among planning figures and their respective developments in RD&I and institutional management.

g) Monitor the results and impacts of Embrapa's actions and projects. Promote the necessary strategic adjustments to ensure alignment with institutional objectives, compliance with established goals and ensure continuous monitoring of performance and effectiveness.

h) Develop a long-term strategy for the next 5 years, presenting contextualization, objectives, priorities, and goals of the corporation, as well as the analysis of risks and opportunities linked to the achievement of the adopted strategy, in line with art. 23 of Law No. 13,303/2016, and with the respective rules related to the creation of each corporation, submitting it for approval by the Administrative Council.

i) Elaborate the business plan for the following year based on the long-term strategy, containing the goals to be pursued, as established in art. 23 of Law No.13,303/2016.

j) Elaborate the internal regulations for tenders and contracts of Embrapa, in accordance with art. 40 of Law No. 13,303/2016.

k) Approve the proposed annual hiring plan consolidated by the respective area.

l) Carry out quantitative and qualitative assessment of the recruitment sector, to identify possible needs for replacement or training of employees dedicated to the hiring process.
m) Monitor the execution of the annual hiring plan.

n) Inform the Administrative Council about the execution of the annual hiring plan and any occurrences capable of significantly impact the implementation of the approved plan.

o) Adopt measures to correct any errors or difficulties highlighted in the monitoring reports on the execution of the annual hiring plan.

p) Propose to the Administrative Council, throughout the year to which it refers, justified changes to the annual hiring plan.

q) Evaluate, with the internal audit body, the relevance and effectiveness of the measures proposed or adopted by managers to correct possible deviations or irregularities found in audits related to the annual hiring plan.

r) Approve the internal communication plan.

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