After four years of operation of Labex United States, Embrapa has implemented the second virtual lab in 2002 in Europe. The current structure of Labex Europe program comprises a coordinator based in Agropolis International, in the city of Montpellier, France, and two researchers set in Germany and UK institutions.
Agropolis International is a regional consortium of 28 institutions of research and higher education, including the main French agricultural research institutes, Embrapa partners: CIRAD (International Cooperation Center for Agricultural Research for Development), INRA (National Institute for Agricultural Research) and IRD (Institute of Research for Development).
Lines of research
- Agrifood technologies
- Plant physiology
- Development of advanced methods for phenotyping
- Natural resource management and sustainability
- Plant-microorganism molecular interaction
- Microbiology of the rumen
- Socioeconomics
- Advanced biology
- Technology for sustainability of agroecosystems
- Vinicius Pereira Guimarães - Animal production - System simulation
Location and contact
Vinícius Pereira Guimarães
Embrapa Labex Europe - France
Agropolis International
Avenue Agropolis - 34.394
Montpellier - Cedex 5 - France
Telephone: +33 4 6704-7587/3743